Taxation Laws

Sales Tax


1- Sales Tax Registration

Generally, there are two main classes for sales tax

  • Supply of Goods
  • Supply of Services

The persons dealing with the supply of goods are under compulsion to get themselves registered in Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), subsequent the 18th amendment, the Sales Tax on supply of services is a provincial subject so registration in respective province’s revenue board is mandatory.

Who Is Required to Get Sales Tax Registration?

The following persons should to acquire Sales Tax registration according to sales tax Act:

Every person who is supplying taxable goods/services and falls under the below mentioned categories

  • Importer
  • Exporter
  • Trader, Wholesaler, Manufacturer, professional, architectures, builders & developers, and other service providers, whose annual turnover is more than Rs. 5 Million. Retailer (Different categories are available for retailers)

Responsibilities of Sales Tax Registered Person

A person registered with Sales Tax person is required to file monthly Sales Tax Returns, declaring

The Sales Tax charged by him on his supplies (output tax)

The Sales Tax charged by his suppliers (input tax)

Sales Tax withheld by his customers & Sales withheld from his suppliers. The difference of output and input tax after adjustments of Sales Tax withholding is needed to be deposited into Government’s treasury, by 18th of every month.

A Sales Tax Registered person is known as:

Income Tax Withholding Agent

Sales Tax Withholding Agent

2-Filing of Monthly Sales Tax Return and ST Refund

Sales Tax Monthly Return and ST Refund

E-filing of Sales Tax

Every Sales Tax registered person is liable to e-File Monthly Sale Tax Returns, plus return of Sales Tax withholding from supplier’s payments/invoices. This means an amount either payable due to input /output difference or carry forward or Sales Tax Refund.

For payables you need to generate PSID for e-Payment of Sales Tax. In other case Sales Tax turns into refundable and ILP plays a vital role in assistance Sales Tax Refunds acquisition from FBR on accelerated routes.

Sales Tax Refunds

ILP has expertise in getting sales tax refunds in lesser time with the help of efficient team of tax lawyers. We understand the need of our clients and help them on priority basis.

Tax Litigation

ILP represents its clients before tax authorities and assists in preparing appeals to the Tribunals, High Courts and Supreme Court. We provide customer tailored services to our valuable clients from filing to litigation. We have expert team of lawyers who can assist and help you anytime.