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Service of Process and Process Servers in Pakistan

Soft Law Firm

Service of Process and Process Servers in Pakistan

Our dedicated team of professional process servers best assists their clients as to process service in Pakistan. Soft Law Firm has been serving civil documents since 1975. We operate the largest and most experienced process serving division throughout Pakistan and offer fully staffed offices in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar and Quetta. With a network of reliable contacts across Pakistan, Soft Law Firm can arrange for service of documents on all cities. All services receive same day attention with 24 hour availability. Skip tracing provides a present point of contact as we employs expert skip tracers. We are so confident in our skip tracers that if we are unsuccessful in locating the specified person we will waive our fee, only disbursements charged to us will apply.

Soft Law Firm provides a one-stop solution for your document retrieval service and process serving requirements. Soft Law Firm process servers are committed to providing you with professional and reliable service of process in the ever changing process serving industry. According to our clients, our customer service and Soft Law Firm process servers are the best in Pakistan. You'll be speaking with friendly, knowledgeable, professional representatives who know how to serve process and will enter your subponeas, summons, complaints or document retrieval order quickly and monitor its progress through to completion of service.

Defining Service of Process

When legal documents likewise summons, complaints, orders, writs and other court documents are sent to an individual to whom the legal document is directed. Service of Process must be served by an individual who is not a party to the instance.

What does a Process Server Do?

A process server serves legal documents to a defendant or an individual involved in a court proceeding. The process server must serve the documents in accordance with the jurisdiction of the area of service. This means handing the documents to the defendant personally or performing substituted service to someone in the same household or business. Once the documents are delivered, the process serving agent must provide proof that the papers were served successfully. This is done through a document called an Affidavit of Service, also known as a Proof of Service, which must be notarised and submitted to the party who requested the service. Process servers will also file relevant papers with the courts, can do document reclamation and may offer various types of investigations i.e. skip trace, people localises and stakeout etc.

We serve the documents personally on the relevant person in the presence of a witness and date and time of service is mentioned on it. The process server also give his affidavit regarding the service of documents which is being notarised. The affidavit is being sent to party through courier.

Do We Really Need A Process Server?

Contracting a Process Server is a vital step in arranging with court proceedings. In some cities, somebody who performs service of process is required by law to be licensed, so if clients are in one of these cities, the answer is certainly "Yes!" Even if a process server does not need to be licensed in a city where clients need the required service, they should keep in mind that a process server is someone who is experienced in serving legal documents proficiently. More significantly, professional process servers are well-informed as to jurisdiction surrounding service of process in their cities or county. There are several necessities and constrictions connected with serving legal documents that vary from city to city, or county to county. If the service is not performed in accordance with the law, this may hamper clients' proceedings from moving ahead or may result as to dismissal of their issue. Primary features, however are Desired Benefactor, Swift Service, Client Service, Laws Familiarity, Triumph Ratio and Ordinary Price.

In today's process serving business marketplace, we know that we have to earn your business each and every day. We do it to perfection. Next time you need service of Soft Law Firm or any other process in Pakistan, remember Soft Law Firm Process Serving. Whatever your legal and time sensitive needs are, we can help you. Whether your documents need to go to court, opposing counsel, witnesses or defendants, we are ready. We can pick up your documents from your office or you can fax, e-mail or overnight them to our office. We have associates in every corner of the country as ready as we are. We are experts and specialize in many areas including class action and complex litigation court and process services.

Rely on accredited and experienced process servers Sub-contract outside our proven network
Provide nationwide coverage Operate within tight geographical boundaries
Work to a fixed fee arranged at the start Calculate fees using hourly rate plus mileage
Work unsociable hours to get the job done Just work 9-5 office hours
Turn routine work around promptly Leave anything until the last minute
Make extra efforts in difficult cases Give up trying
Keep clients informed as the matter progresses Keep you in the dark
Deal with all necessary administration correctly Fail to provide correct proof of service
Table: Service of Process

We effect and execute service of legal documents on defendants and respondents personally residing in Pakistan, regardless of location and issue Sworn Affidavit of personal service. In this respect, our integrity and commitment are second to none in carrying out this work. In our organisation service means service. We serve:

  • Domestic Violence Injunctions
  • Non-Molestation Orders
  • Occupation Orders
  • Assault & Trespass Injunctions
  • Injunctions Relating to Harassment
  • Divorce Documents
  • Court Notices
  • Recovery Notices
  • Freezing Injunctions
  • Statutory Demands
  • Winding Up Orders
  • Witness Summons
  • Property Related Injunctions and Process Serving
  • Copyright and Trademark Infringement & Seizure

We are effective, expedient and reliable process servers in Pakistan.