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Insurance Law & Lawyers in Pakistan
Soft Law Firm
Insurance Law & Lawyers in Pakistan
Insurance is a contract whereby, for a stipulated consideration, one party undertakes to compensate the other for loss on a specified subject by specified perils. The party agreeing to make the compensation is usually called the "insurer" or "underwriter", the other the "insured" or "assured", the agreed consideration, the "premium", the written contract, a "policy" the events insured against "risks" of "perils" and the subject, right, or interest to be protected, the "insurable interest"; A contract whereby one undertakes to indemnify another against loss, damage, or liability arising from an unknown or contingent event and is applicable only to some contingency or act to occur in future; An agreement by which one party for a consideration promises to pay money or its equivalent or to do an act valuable to other party upon destruction, loss, or injury of something in which other party has an interest.
Insurance transfers and allocates risks from the person taking the policy or "the insured" to the insurance company or "insurer." An insurance policy is a special agreement between the insurer and the insured. To be enforceable, the insurance policy must meet all of the usual requirements of a contract and, in addition, the insured must have an "insurable interest" in the subject matter being insured, such as property, life, and health.

Businesses usually carry basic property insurance and commercial liability policies. But they may also carry fidelity insurance, business interruption insurance, and directors and officers' liability insurance.
Any time an insured individual is denied insurance benefits or offered less than what they believe to be adequate, there is potential for a coverage dispute. For example, an employer's workers compensation insurance will normally cover an injured employees' medical bills for injuries sustained in workplace accidents. But if one employee purposely causes the injury of another that may not be classified as an "accident", and the employer, rather than the insurance company may be responsible for the medical bills. Similarly, a home owner may hire a contractor to build an addition onto his or her house and then offer to help with the construction to reduce costs. If the home owner is injured, whose insurance company has to pay?
If you're involved in an insurance dispute, make sure your attorney has the experience and skill to make sure your rights are protected.
Insurance Law Services
When it comes to insurance, the right protection means everything. For most people it means peace of mind and the reassurance that when something goes wrong, they get the help and support needed to resolve the situation. We provide outstanding legal support for our clients. This is underlined by the fact you have may have been referred to us by your insurance company, as we work for some of the largest and most successful insurance companies in Pakistan and Worldwide.
We're Experts in Insurance Law Services
Although you may be benefiting from our expertise in insurance law without realizing it, if you ever had to make use of your policy, you'd know the difference it can make to have one of the largest law firms in Pakistan on your side.
Of course, you can't buy your insurance from us direct, but it's good to know that there are real legal experts behind your policy; experts who not only know the insurance market, but are leaders in the legal field, able to pursue your claims with a comprehensive knowledge of the legal claims process.
Requesting Legal Representation
We also offer a legal representation service for motoring offences and "totting up", which means we can represent you in legal matters where you are facing the loss of your driving licence or imprisonment for driving related offences.
At Soft Law Firm, our aim is to provide you with practical, straightforward information to help you understand the issues, and how best to deal with them. We have broken down the subject matter as follows and we assist our clients in the following areas:
Accident Insurance
Accounts Receivable Ins.
Additional Insured
Air Travel Insurance
All-risk Insurance
Annuity Insurance
Assessment Insurance
Business Insurance
Business Interruption Ins.
Casualty Insurance
Collision Insurance
Commercial Insurance
Comprehensive Insurance
Concurrent Insurance
Convertible Collision Ins.
Convertible Insurance
Convertible Life Insurance
Co-operative Insurance
Credit Insurance
Crime Insurance
Crop Insurance
Decreasing Term Ins.
Deposit Insurance
Employer's Liability Ins.
Endowment Insurance
Errors and Omissions Ins.
Excess Insurance
Extended Term Insurance
Family Income Insurance
Fidelity Insurance
Fire Insurance
First Party Insurance
Fleet Party Insurance
Floater Insurance
Fraternal Insurance
Government Insurance
Group Insurance
Group-term Life Insurance
Guaranty or Fidelity Insurance
Hail Insurance
Health Insurance
Homeowners Insurance
Indemnity Insurance
Inland Marine Insurance
Joint Life Insurance
Keyman Life Insurance
Level Premium Insurance
Liability Insurance
Life Insurance
Limited Payment Life Insurance
Limited Policy Insurance
Major Medical Insurance
Malpractice Insurance
Manual Rating Insurance
Marine Insurance
Mortgage Insurance
National Service Life Insurance
No-fault Auto Insurance
Non-Assessable Insurance
Old Life Insurance
Ordinary Life Insurance
Paid-up Insurance
Participating Insurance
Partnership Insurance
Product Liability Insurance
Public Liability Insurance
Reciprocal Insurance
Renewable Term Insurance
Retirement Income Insurance
Self Insurance
Single Premium Insurance
Social Insurance
Split Dollar Insurance
Step-rate Premium Insurance
Straight / Whole Life Insurance
Suerty and Fidelity Insurance
Term Insurance
Title Insurance
Trust Insurance
Unemployment Insurance
War Risk Insurance
Worker's Compensation Insurance
Table: Insurance Law Services
Soft Law Firm provides the services to an insurer, newly Public Limited Company or a body corporate incorporated, in getting its Registration Certificate from the Commission under the Insurance Ordinance 2000 and also in Revocation of Registration, Solvency, Reinsurance Arrangements, making Accounts & Audit Report, Amalgamation Transfer of Insurance Business and Winding up.
Insurance Brokers
We also help for making an application before the Commission for getting an Insurance Broker's Licence and Insurance Surveyors according to prescribed manners.
Application of Pakistan Laws to Policies issued in Pakistan
The holder of a policy of insurance issued by an insurer in respect of insurance business transacted in Pakistan have the right to receive payment in Pakistan of any sum secured thereby and to sue for any relief in respect of the policy in any Tribunal; and if the suit is brought in Pakistan any question of law arising in connection with any such policy shall be determined according to the law in force in Pakistan.
Soft Law Firm also provide legal services to any insurer or policy holder by representing before the Small Disputes Resolutions Committees for settlement of arbitrate disputes or before any Insurance Tribunal for trial of any application, High Court (Double Bench) and Supreme Court for appeal and Insurance Ombudsman for any Reference or for making any complaint of mal-administration on the part of any insurance company on behalf of aggrieved person.
Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance
Legal malpractice insurance is the foundation of a law firm's insurance program. Not surprisingly, this is our specialty here at Soft Law Firm.
Office Insurance Package
This should include coverage for commercial general liability, office contents, computer equipment, software, data, client files, law library, etc. "Hint: If you lease office space from another firm, don't make the mistake of assuming that their policy covers you!"
Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, Long term Care Insurance
We maintain relationships with some of the best and most knowledgeable financial consultants, who specialize in the unique needs of professionals.
- Automobile Insurance
- Life and Health Insurance
- Natural Disasters
- Property Insurance
- Reinsurance
Acts and Ordinances in Pakistan
- The Insurance Act, 1938
- The War Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act, 1943
- The Riot and Civil Commotion Risks Insurance Ordinance, 1947
- The Pakistan Insurance Corporation Act, 1952
- The Employees' Social Insurance Ordinance, 1962
- The War Risks Insurance Ordinance, 1965
- The Federal Employees Benevolent Funds and Group Insurance Act, 1969
- The War Risks Insurance Ordinance, 1971
- Life Insurance (Nationalizations) Order, 1972
- The Employees' Old-Age Benefits Act, 1976
- The National Insurance Corporation Act, 1969
- The Insurance Ordinance, 2000
Rules and Regulations
- The Pakistan Insurance Corporation Rules, 1953
- The Pakistan Insurance Corporation (General) Regulations, 1953
- The Pakistan Insurance Corporation Employees' Provident Fund Regulations, 1954
- Pakistan Insurance Corporation Staff (Medical Attendance) Regulations, 1955
- The Pakistan Insurance Corporation (Compulsory Re-Insurance) Regulations, 1956
- The Insurance Rules, 1958
- Pakistan Insurance Corporation (Pakistan in the Share Capital and Underwriting of Stocks, Shares, Bonds or Debentures of Insurance Companies) Regulations, 1958
- Pakistan Insurance Corporation (Staff) Service Regulations, 1959
- The Export Credits Guarantee Scheme Rules, 1962
- The War Risks Insurance Rules, 1971
- The Life Insurance Nationalizations Rules, 1972
- The State Life Insurance Corporation (General) Regulations, 1972
- The National insurance Fund Rules, 1973
- State Life Directors (Remuneration) Rules, 1973
- The State Life Employees (Service) Regulations, 1973
- The Insurance Settlement Board Rules, 1975
- The Pakistan Insurance Corporation (Compulsory Surplus Reinsurance) Regulations, 1978