Practice Area

Expert Witnesses in Pakistan

Soft Law Firm

Expert Witnesses in Pakistan

Soft Law Firm is in a position to arrange Specialized Legal Witnesses for all areas of Legal Matters Worldwide. We have the long range of Expert Witnesses having specialised knowledge through Education, Experience, Skill and Training in all areas relevant to finding resolution of Legal disputes.

Our Expert Witnesses are formally alluding to offer their opinion as testimony in the Courts without having been a Witness to nay occurrence relating to the Law Suit.

Our Client may send us the details of their issue in the Suit and we can manage the suitable Expert to serve their purpose in the relevant Court at any place in the World.

The terms and conditions to render the services may be communicated after having the necessary information pertaining to the services of required Witness.

Soft Law Firm can also provide the Services of Forensic Experts in different categories who are in a position to analysis Evidence for legal proceedings and crime solving that relates to a particular application of Science and debates relating to formal argumentation, to decide questions arising from Crime or Litigation. These Experts are Consultants in Legal matter and provide Expert Reports and Testimony for Judge, Attorneys, Lawyers, Law Firms, Insurance Companies and Government Agencies in the Federal and State Court trials and Arbitrations. The client may have to intimate us about the issue involved so that the specific Expert may be chosen for the relevant category.

We can also manage the Medical Expert Witnesses for different categories having specialized Knowledge through Education, Experience, Skills or Training in areas relevant to resolution of a Legal Dispute.

Our Expert Witness can offer his Opinion as Testimony in Court without having been to any occurrence relating to the Law Suit.