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Energy Projects in Pakistan

Soft Law Firm

Energy Projects in Pakistan

At the outset, the least that can be said is that one of the most excruciating crises in Pakistan's economy today is the energy crisis. Pakistan's economy has always been largely dependent on electricity generation and supply as a source of energy. From domestic to commercial usage this has been the only form of power that has been utilized since the foundations of this Country were first laid down. However with the overly prolonged shortfall of electricity, the economy is rapidly collapsing, as not only domestic / household activities are being affected, but more importantly, the primary and secondary sectors of our Economy, which form the backbone of our economic structure, those entrepreneurs that are engaged in extraction and production activities have faced a significant cumber stone in carrying out their business, leaving us in a state of tremendous economic depression.

Recognising Pakistan's Economic need of the hour, there are various business entities that have already engaged themselves in research and development of renewable energy resources in Pakistan. This thought process has also encouraged setting up power plants in Pakistan as the current demand for power generation resources is at its boom and local as well as foreign investors are looking forward to cash on this opportunity by providing alternate power generation resources for domestic and commercial use.

Following is a list of non-exhaustive and most commonly known alternates that are used for renewable energy resources:

  • Thermal Power
  • Wind Power
  • Solar Power
  • Bagesse Power
  • Biomass
  • Geothermal Power
  • Wave Power
  • Tidal Power
  • Compressed Natural Gas
  • Nuclear Power

While the concept is quite appealing and investors are looking forward to grasping onto such projects, the process can be quite tedious and time consuming. It requires multiple steps, which can only be conveniently completed by engaging a professional for this purpose.

Soft Law Firm, being a firm that has a long standing in legalization and incorporation of all forms of business entities, we have taken up the task of assisting investors and entrepreneurs who wish to incorporate any type of business entity, either public or private limited, or in form of a partnership, for the purpose of facilitating the economy by setting up research and development based projects and setting up actual power plants for generation of any form of alternate renewable energy.

The following services will be provided by us to those who wish to enter the field of power generation by utilizing alternate resources:

  • Preparation of Feasibility study of the project.
  • Environmental studies and approval from concerned authorities.
  • Tariff determination.
  • Obtaining approval from the Government of Pakistan.
  • Legal assistance in equipment procurement.
  • Legal assistance in business agreements and contracts with third parties.
  • Company incorporation and all related legal matters to setting up.
  • Land acquiring or leasing assistance.

Soft Law Firm has finalised many model documents used in Energy Power Sector in Pakistan and have also negotiated various reviews, vetting and drafting of Agreements / Contracts / MOU's between various parties and rendered key legal opinion work, required to establish the regulatory and legal regime for energy sector in Pakistan. We are also capable to finalize standard Agreements and can draft the Letter of Support, Performance Guarantee, Letter of Interest, Prequalification Documents, Statement of qualification and Letter of Credit for each type of Power Plant including the Security Documents, Implementation Agreement, Power Purchase Agreement, Fuel Supply Agreement and Bid Bond and negotiations with NEPRA and other Agencies. We also help in formation / incorporation of Companies and their tax matters including exemption of Sales Tax, Customs Duty, Income Tax and Withholding Tax etc. on imports. Dispute resolution and the registration with NEPRA, Issuance of Licence for generation & Tariff determination.

Soft Law Firm deals with all surrounding operational strategy and implementation plans of Electricity Generation projects regarding power generation, transmission and distribution systems in a suitable and affordable manner as per policies of Pakistan's Private Power Investment Board (PPIB) and to do all other acts ancillary to the Project.

Soft Law Firm aims to meet targets at both ends, by encouraging and assisting investors to encroach upon this highly profitable business opportunity, and at the same time, lending a hand, by contributing to Pakistan's Economy, to help overcome one of the biggest catastrophes circulating in our Country in today's time. Our team of experts advise international / local sponsors on all aspects of energy projects and ensures complete and proper execution of such ventures, rendering to our clients the highest quality of legal services in the energy sector of Pakistan.