




Practice Area

Cyber Crime Law, Lawyers & Enforcement in Pakistan

International Legal Partners

Cyber Crime Law, Lawyers & Enforcement in Pakistan

There is no doubt that Information Technology has intruded in our life in such a manner and extent that presently nobody can imagine a well-facilitated and luxury life without it. Computers, Scanners, World Wide Web Sites, Intranet and Internet Electronic Messaging and Mails, Electronic Data Transfers and Exchange of Information, Electronic Commerce and Banking System, all are necessities of life based on or using different components based on the use of Information Technology, which are abundantly in use in our domestic, social and business life. Mobile phones, laptops and latest computers are using Digital Databases for different purposes. Similarly, Digital Databases are accessible through Intranet and Internet at International level without any problem or loss of time.

The dawning of Information Technology age has facilitated our life but at the same time it has given birth to different complex problems like its regulatory matters and use of the Information Technology for criminal and other heinous purposes by different anti-social elements. Regulatory matters regarding use of Information Technology require legal frame works and laws. Similarly, misuse and anti-social elements that are causing fear and disturbance not only in personal lives but also in the smooth running of social and commercial life, as a whole.