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Constitutional Law, Lawyers & Practice in Pakistan
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Constitutional Law, Lawyers & Practice in Pakistan
Here you may find the information about constitutional law, law of writs and jurisdiction of courts in Pakistan. Our team of constitutional lawyers best assist their clients in constitutional litigation in Pakistan. Constitution is not an ordinary statute made in ordinary legal procedure. It is the creation of a Constitutional Act and therefore the sanctity of a Constitution is much higher than any statute made by the legislature. A Statute is an act to fulfill a particular social, political or economic need and so its efficacy of importance does not endure so long. But a Constitution is made to endure with the avowed purpose to fulfill the aspiration of the people who made it. It is by the people, for the people and a documentation of the cherished good of the people. Constitutions are not conceived and acted in vacuum, and as an instrument of Government. It is always intended the condition and as it is itself conditioned by the circumstance and environment of the community whose activities seek it to regulate. It is never internal and differs from other laws only in respect of general national purpose, it has in view. Constitution, written - unwritten has a philosophy of its own: it is the means of ordering the life of people. This way we should have good understanding of our constitution.
One reason why the law of constitution is imperfectly understood is that we rarely put it side by side with the constitutional provisions of other countries. In other words a comparative study of the constitution is absolutely necessary for its perfect understanding. Apart from it we should also study to find out that what was in the mind of constitution makers.
Law of Writs in Pakistan
Prerogative Writs
Writ of Mandamus
Writ of Certiorari
Writ of Habeas Corpus
Writ of Procedendo
Writ of Prohibitor
Writ of Quo Warrantor
Other writs
Writ Petition Process
A writ petition is a request made by an individual, aggrieved by a court order to receive expedited attention in a court of appeals. An individual who wishes to file a writ petition must first determine if his / her case can be appealed. It's important to remember that all courts will have different requirements dependent on location of court and type of court. You should always pursue a legal counsel when considering a writ petition. These steps will help you to determine the petition-status of your appeal and understand the writ petition process.